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Pay Raise Takes Effect This Month

Pay raise
Pay raise
Washington Report

All uniformed personnel should see a boost in their January pay checks with the 3.1% pay raise.

The raise took effect Jan. 1 and will be included in the first checks this year. The increase was included in the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, which was signed into law by President Donald Trump last month.

New pay tables for the active and reserve component reflecting the raises were recently released by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).

The new tables show an increase of between $13.16 and $54.76 per typical drill weekend for Guard officers. Enlisted soldiers and airmen would receive an increase of between $6.44 and $34.08 per typical drill weekend. And warrant officers would see an increase of between $12.88 and $42.24 per typical drill weekend.

Service members have received at least a 1% raise every year for more than a decade. The 3.1% raise approved late last year is the highest since 2010, when Congress approved a 3.4% raise.