The following policy details pertain to Title 32 Technicians and Title 5 employees under Input Sites other than New York. For those under Input Sites in New York, refer to the New York brochure or call 1-888-642-8748 for more details.
Group Disability Insurance Coverage
Protection when you are unable to work due to a covered disability.
Who's Eligible
Army/Air Title 32 Technicians and Title 5 employees are eligible for this coverage. If you are terminated from your job by the National Guard due to medical reasons, or failing the National Guard physical exam, you may receive a lump sum payment equal to two monthly payments of the Basic Disability Coverage even though you may not be disabled. You may receive a reduced disability benefit during your rehabilitation if you are able to work part-time through an approved rehabilitation program. Disability due to pregnancy is covered.
Coverage Amounts/Limits
There are two parts - Part I - basic coverage pays up to $2,400 in basic monthly benefits after 30 continuous days of disability (as defined in the Certificate of Insurance) and may continue for as long as 10 years (for an accident) or 3 years (for an illness). Part II is optional supplemental coverage and benefits begin after 60 days of continuous disability (if you are under 40) or after 90 days of continuous disability (if you are age 40 or over) and may continue as long as 10 years (for an accidental injury) and up to 3 years (for an illness). If age 60 or over on the date the insured becomes totally disabled, the maximum benefit period is 12 months. Subject to the terms of the policy. You may keep this coverage to age 65 as long as you remain a Technician and the premiums are paid when due. The Master Policy must be in effect.
Enrollment Fee/Discount
The application must be completed and rates are based on bi-weekly payroll deductions.
Group Life Insurance Coverage
Who's Eligible
Army/Air Title 32 Technicians and Title 5 employees, and spouses are eligible for Tech Life coverage. You and/or your spouse may apply. There are no war or aviation exclusions. Your family will receive benefits even if you die while flying or while involved in armed conflict. You or your spouse, but not both, may purchase dependent child coverage. Unmarried, dependent children from 6 months to 19 years (25 if full-time student) qualify for up to $10,000 coverage per child (up to $1,000 from 14 days to 6 months).
Coverage Amounts/Limits
The coverage is available in increments of $25,000 to $250,000. You are guaranteed acceptance up to $50,000 of insurance if you apply within your first 31 days of employment and are actively at work. Thereafter, your insurability must be approved by the insurance company. All spouse coverage must provide evidence of insurability. Keep your coverage up to age 70, even if you are no longer a Technician as long as you pay premiums when due. Coverage reduces by 50% when you reach age 65. Premiums remain the same.
The application must be completed and policy payments made through payroll deduction.
New York Life is licensed/authorized to transact business in all the 50 united states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Please note that this is not available in all states.
New York Life Insurance Company's state of domicile is New York and their NAIC ID # is 66915.
Group Term Life and Group Disability Insurance Plan is underwritten by:
New York Life Insurance Company
51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010
under Group Policy # G- 31160 -0, G- 31161 -0, G-31163-0, G-31164-0 on
Policy Form GMR-FACE/ # G- 31160 -0, G- 31161 -0, G-31163-0, G-31164-0
This Group Term Life and Disability Insurance is Administered By: AGIA Insurance Services, Inc. Phoenix, AZ 85068
A.G.I.A., Inc., is licensed/authorized to transact business in all 50 United States, and the District of Columbia. Their state of domicile is California. J. Christopher Burke California Agent Insurance license number is 0F70947. J. Christopher Burke Arkansas Agent Insurance license number is 8876308.
Administrative expenses incurred by AGIA to provide the valuable membership benefits resulting from these sponsored insurance programs are reimbursed
NGAUS is compensated in connection with this sponsored group policy to provide and maintain this valuable membership benefit.