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The NGAUS Awards Program recognizes outstanding National Guard men and women, as well as individuals and organizations outside of the Guard, who have made significant efforts to help advance NGAUS and its mission. | NGAUS Awards POC: Rich Arnold

The NGAUS Awards Program is now open for this year's nominations!

Awards Letter Awards Packet Nomination Form



Harry S. Truman Award

The Harry S. Truman Award for Distinguished Service in Support of National Defense, authorized by the NGAUS Board of Directors in 1968, is the highest recognition conferred upon an individual by the Association.

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Montgomery Medal

The Montgomery Medal, first presented in 2004, provides a mechanism to recognize an individual (or organization) who provides outstanding support in the pursuit of the NGAUS objectives.

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Charles Dick Medal of Merit

The Charles Dick Medal of Merit was established in 1988 and is designed to recognize the contributions to the National Guard by elected representatives to legislative bodies at the state and national levels.

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Patrick Henry Award

The Patrick Henry Award is designed to provide recognition to local officials and civic leaders, who in a position of great responsibility distinguished themselves with outstanding and exceptional service to the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Guard or NGAUS.

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Distinguished Service Medal

The Distinguished Service Medal was conceived to provide recognition for an individual who, as member of the Armed Forces (Active, Guard or Reserve), performed exceptionally outstanding service to the United States, to the Armed Forces of the United States or to NGAUS.

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Meritorious Service Award

This award was created based upon a perceived need for an additional award that would specifically recognize individuals for significant contributions to the United States Government, the Armed Forces of the United States or NGAUS.

Meritorious Service Certificate may be awarded at the state/local level in lieu of the Meritorious Service Award.

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Valley Forge Cross for Heroism

The Valley Forge Cross is presented to members of the National Guard who have distinguished themselves by performing acts of heroism that otherwise might not be recognized due to the National Guard’s peacetime status.

Valley Forge Certificate may be awarded at the state/local level in lieu of the Valley Forge Cross award.

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Garde Nationale Trophy

The Garde Nationale Trophy recognizes significant achievement of members of the National Guard in their civilian endeavors.

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Theodore Roosevelt Leadership Award for Company Grade Officers

This award was established to annually recognize the achievements and dedicated service of Army and Air National Guard junior officers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and professionalism in their services to country and community.

Each state or territory may submit no more than one ANG and one ARNG nomination each year.

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Eagle Rising Award for Warrant Officers

This award was established to annually recognize the achievements and dedicated service of Army National Guard Warrant Officers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, technical skills, and professionalism in their services to country and community.

Each state or territory may submit no more than one nomination each year.

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