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Task Forces


NGAUS Task Forces are special committees appointed by the NGAUS Chairman of the Board and Board of Directors. Task Forces work closely with the NGAUS Legislative staff to provide input on Resolutions and Fact Sheets, and to advise the General Conference Committee on Resolutions. Task Forces members are subject matter experts in their military capacity related to National Guard readiness, modernization, and force structure.

NGAUS Task Forces Gather for Resolutions Training (Dec. 13, 2023)

NGAUS Task Force SOP

Army Task Forces
Army Aviation

Chair: COL Peter Huble

Ground Combat

Chair: BG John Bowlin
Vice Chair: BG Charles Kemper


Chair: LTC John Barger

Army Sustainment

Chair: COL Timothy Newman
Vice Chair: MAJ Trint Callison


Chair: BG Tony Shepherd

Fire Support

Chair: BG Richard Wholey
Vice Chair: BG Dave Pritchett
Secretary: BG Brian Wertzler

Air Task Forces
Combat Air Forces

Chair: Brig. Gen. Shannon Smith

Mobility Air Forces

Chair: Brig. Gen. Mark Muckey

Combat-Mission Support

Chair: Col. Matt Eakins


Chair: Brig. Gen. Michael Bruno

Joint & Personnel Task Forces

Chair: Maj. Nichole Yerbich-Inskeep
Vice Chair: Maj. Jennifer Pate


Chair: Brig. Gen. Kimberly Baumann
Vice Chair: Col. Dan Lister

Domestic Operations

Chair: Col. Edward Cook
Vice Chair: Capt. Mitchell Hoh