Julian Plamann is the Legislative Affairs Manager for Joint and Personnel at NGAUS. She has worked in government relations for nearly 20 years at the state, federal, and local levels.
Prior to joining the NGAUS team, Julian was an Army Congressional Fellow and served as the House Legislative Liaison for the National Guard Bureau. As a fellow, she helped pass legislation to guarantee retirement points for members of the National Guard throughout the pandemic.
Julian currently serves in the Maryland Army National Guard as a Major. She has held a variety of positions, to include ACE Targeting Officer and the Intelligence Engagement Officer in support of Operation Spartan Shield.
Throughout both her military and civilian careers, Julian has been a trusted aide to many officials. She worked for the Governor of Minnesota as Senior Policy Advisor on Military Affairs, Committee Administrator for the Minnesota Senate Capital Investment Committee, Executive Assistant to the Hennepin County Sheriff, and aide de camp to the Deputy Commanding General of U.S. Army Africa. She was also the Campaign Manager on two successful campaigns for state office.
Julian holds a Master's Degree in Legislative Affairs from George Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of Minnesota.